Siblings at Birth Colorado Springs BirthAriel HaynesSeptember 7, 2020Birth, Siblings at birth, Colorado Springs Doula, Colorado Springs Birth Photography, Birth Photographer, Colorado Springs Birth Support, Colorado Springs Home Birth, Colorado Springs Birth Center BirthComment
Birth of Oliver Colorado Springs Birth, Birth Center BirthAriel HaynesJuly 15, 2020Blooming FootprintsBirth, birth center birth, Birth Photography, Colorado Springs Birth Photography, Colorado Springs Birth, colorado springs birth center birthComment
10 Birth Images that Show ALL The Emotion Colorado Springs Birth, Birth PhotographyAriel HaynesFebruary 3, 2020Birth, Birth Photography, home birth, home birth colorado springs, Colorado Springs birth photographerComment
Birth of Nora- A Colorado Springs Birth Center Birth Birth, Birth PhotographerAriel HaynesJanuary 27, 2020birth center birth, Colorado Springs Doula, Colorado Springs birth photographer, Birth Photography, BirthComment
10 Tips For an Empowered Birth Birth, Colorado SpringsAriel HaynesDecember 28, 2019Blooming Footprints Birth and Photography ServicesBirth, Birth Photography, Birth Doula, Colorado Springs birth photographer Comment
Birth of Nora- A Colorado Springs Home Birth Birth Photography, Birth, Colorado Springs BirthAriel HaynesDecember 10, 2019Colorado Springs Birth, Colorado Springs Birth Doula, Colorado Springs birth photographer, Colorado Springs Birth Photography, Birth, Birth Photography, home birthComment
The Birth of Leona- A Colorado Springs Home Birth A Colorado Springs Home Birth VBAC Read More Birth, VBAC, Colorado Springs BirthAriel HaynesDecember 3, 2019Colorado Springs birth photographer, Colorado Springs Birth, Colorado Springs Birth Photography, Colorado Springs Doula, Birth, Birth Photography, home birthComment
A Beautiful Hospital Birth Birth, Birth PhotographyAriel HaynesNovember 24, 2019Blooming Footprints Birth & PhotographyBirth, Birth Photography, Colorado Springs Doula, Colorado Springs Birth Photography, Colorado SpringsComment