A Beautiful March Birth- A Colorado Springs Home Birth

The birth of Xavier was one that completely melted my heart. I got the call at about 3:30 am on March 16th that it was baby time. I told mom to keep me updated and let me know when she wanted me to come. About 30 minutes later I was told they were for sure ready for me.
I jumped in my car and got my daughter to the babysitter’s knowing that this mom had a history of quick births. I got to her house at about 5:15am and mom was laboring on a sofa chair next to the birth pool. Her midwife checked baby’s heart tones and mom got into the pool a few minutes later. Mom was doing so wonderfully laboring. She was following every instinct in her body and just going with the flow of labor. Music was playing, there were laughs, tears, love, and support throughout the whole thing. When she got to transition at 7:20am, she had her waters broken and baby entered the world at 7:37am. The birth was beautiful.
